The internet version of the portal is freely available from anywhere, i.e. when connecting from any place (computer). The intranet version is intended only for employees of the institute and is available only within the internal network of the institute (and also when connected to the internal network via VPN).
The intranet version of the portal is also different in the area of available information and data and contains some parts that are not available on the internet version. This is mainly information that is not relevant for external users and data that are not (cannot be or their publication is not useful) published on the internet.
Parts of intranet content that are not part of internet content are then usually highlighted by the red border on the left side of the text.
If you are using a much older version of your internet browser then current (Internet Explorer 7 or older), these pages will not be displayed. Use the current version of the internet browser - update Internet Explorer (at least version 8, but we recommend version 9 or later) or use the current version of any other browser (eg. Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox).
In the case of newer versions of Internet Explorer check and turn off compatibility view mode (usually menu "Settings - Compatibility View Settings").