Crayfish in the Czech Republic - application to support decision-making processes in the protection of our native crayfish and fish


The app is a support tool focused on eradicating and regulating invasive species of crayfish and fish as well as protecting our native crayfish species and is intended for both the professional and general public.

The application allows:

  • entering and sending reports on the sighting of crayfish in the wild,
  • evaluation, assessment and recommendation of further action for each crayfish or fish finder in the wild,
  • evaluation of the situation and recommendations for further action in the protection of crayfish for experts in the field of nature conservation (authorities).

Use the buttons in the right part of the window to work with the app. Proceed from top to bottom, enter the input data one by one, start processing it and then display the results. Status icons will inform you about entering input data and processing.


The app was created by T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, public research institution, and Hydrosoft Veleslavín s.r.o. within project TH02030687 "Prediction of non-native fish and crayfish threat and optimization of invasive species eradication methods" with financial support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the Epsilon Applied Research and Experimental Development Support Programme. See “Project infomation” for more information.


T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, p.r.i.

Podbabská 2582/30

160 00 Praha 6

Czech Republic

Leading project solver

RNDr. Jitka Svobodová

+420 220 197 466

Technical support

TGM WRI Hydroecological Information System (WRI HEIS)

© Copyright: T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, p.r.i. and Hydrosoft Veleslavín, s. r. o. Design: Jiří Picek. 2017-2024.