1) V dubnu 2024 vyšel článek: Sovová, K., Vašíčková, P., Valášek, V., Výravský, D., Očenášková, V., Juranová, E., Bušová, M., Tuček, M., Bencko, V., Zvěřinová Mlejnková, H.: SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance in the Czech Republic: Spatial and temporal differences in SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations and relationship to clinical data and wastewater parameters, Water Research X, Volume 23, 2024, 100220, ISSN 2589-9147, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wroa.2024.100220.
Abstract: This study presents the results of systematic wastewater monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and basic wastewater parameters from four different wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the Czech Republic over the 2020–2022 epidemic. Two-step reverse-transcription quantitative PCR targeting genes encoding the N and Nsp12 proteins was employed to detect SARS-CoV-2 RNA loading in 420 wastewater samples. The results obtained were used to evaluate the potential of wastewater analysis for describing the epidemiological situation in cities of different sizes and determining temporal differences based on the prevailing SARS-CoV-2 variant. Strong correlations between the number of active and hospitalised COVID-19 cases in each WWTP catchment area and the concentration of SARS-CoV-2 RNA detected in the wastewater clearly demonstrated the suitability of this wastewater-based epidemiological approach for WWTPs of different sizes and characteristics, despite differences in SARS-CoV-2 variant waves, with some WWTPs showing high predictive potential. This study demonstrated on the data from the Czech Republic that targeted systematic monitoring of wastewater provides sufficiently robust data for surveillance of viral loads in sample populations, and thus contributes to preventing the spread of infection and subsequent introduction of appropriate measures.
Keywords: Wastewater-based epidemiology; COVID-19; Virus; PCR; Wastewater treatment plant
2) Probíhá orientační stanovení RNA SARS-CoV-2 1x měsíčně na nátoku na ČOV Brno – viz graf
3) Přednáška pro Spolek pro efektivní altruismus: Biosafety & data: včasná reakce na pandemie skrze monitoring odpadních vod. 17.2.2024, 1. LF UK Praha
4) Aktualizace webových stránek na webu VÚV (HEIS): zde
5) Aktualizace webových stránek na webu Evropské komise: https://wastewater-observatory.jrc.ec.europa.eu/#/dashboards/2
Probíhá orientační stanovení RNA SARS-CoV-2 1x měsíčně na nátoku na ČOV Brno – viz graf
Proběhla prezentace souhrnných výsledků:
1) Zvěřinová Mlejnková, H., Sovová, K., Valášek, V., Vašíčková, P., Očenášková, V., Bušová, M., Tuček, M., Bencko, V., Juranová, E.: Využití monitoringu odpadních vod pro sledování vývoje epidemie. In: Sborník konference Vodárenská biologie 2023. 9.-10.2023, Praha, s. 118-123.
2) Odeslán článek do Water Research X:
Kateřina Sovová, Petra Vašíčková, Vojtěch Valášek, David Výravský, Věra Očenášková, Eva Juranová, Milena Bušová,
Milan Tuček, Vladimír Bencko, Hana Zvěřinová Mlejnková: SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance in the Czech Republic:
Spatial and temporal differences in the SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentration in wastewater and relation to wastewater parameters and clinical data.