Use of innovative methods in the eradication of invasive crayfish in the Czech Republic



Results focused on the crayfish protection

Great deal of the project activities is focused on raising of public awareness in the crayfish protection. Within this activity a thematic calendar and a leaflet were produced and information boards were placed.

Information boards

In the spring of 2024, a total of four permanent information boards were created and placed in the field.

At the Cetvina border crossing on the SAC Horní Malše, a permanent information board was installed warning of the occurrence and risks caused by the spread of non-native signal crayfish.

Permanent information panels with text about barriers and the risk of the spread of non-native crayfish species were placed at both modified levels on the Zákolanský stream.

The fourth permanent information board was installed in Prague's Stromovka. The board's message, titled "There is no crayfish like crayfish" is to highlight the difference between native and non-native crayfish in our waters. The City Hall city of Prague participated in the installation of the board.

Information board - signal crayfish: pdf document (8.3 MB, Czech)
Information board - barriers: pdf document (6.6 MB, Czech)
Information board - Stromovka: pdf document (7.0 MB, Czech)

Leaflet “Native vs. invasive crayfish in Czech Republic”

The leaflet contains basic information about our native crayfish and their protection, as well as information about invasive crayfish species, the dangers associated with their spread and ways to control them. The leaflet also includes a simple map of the occurrence of invasive crayfish.

Leaflet: pdf document (16.8 MB, Czech)

Calendar promoting the crayfish protection (2023)

One of the project activities focused on crayfish protection promoting was the creation and distribution of the thematic calendar. Calendar for the year 2023 was printed in an edition of 2,000 copies (1,800 in Czech and 200 in English) and the prints were distributed during the educational activities to the interested participants from the expert as well as the general public.

Calendar: pdf document (4.5 MB)


During the project period following articles in professional journals were published focused on crayfish protection in the Czech Republic.

Nenápadná invaze

Published: Number 19/2024 of the Prestižní student - Gymnázium Arabská magazine, p. 17-18
Author: Mgr. Vojta Macháček

Full text: pdf document (13.8 MB, Czech)

Aplikace inovativních postupů při eradikaci invazních raků v ČR

Published: Number 4/2023 of the RACEK - Magazín státního podniku Povodí Vltavy, in an edited version, the article was also published on the websites of the Zákolany and Svrkyně municipalities.
Authors: Mgr. Jiří Vait, RNDr. Jitka Svobodová, Mgr. Pavel Kožený

Full text: pdf document (1.1 MB, Czech)

Regulace invazních druhů raků - aplikovaný výzkum VÚV TGM

Published: In: Pyšek, P. a kol. (ed.) První neformální setkání k invazím v ČR. Botanický ústav AVČR. Průhonice, p. 33., 2023
Authors: Jitka Svobodová, Pavel Kožený, Vojtěch Macháček, Jiří Picek

Full text: pdf document (229 kB, Czech)

Zákaz přenosu invazních raků signálních

Published: Web pages of municipalities in the immediate vicinity of Kačležský pond (Kačlehy, Člunek, Kunžak), 2023
Authors: Jitka Svobodová

Full text: pdf document (430 kB, Czech)
Article on web pages of Kačlehy municipality: pdf document (219 kB, Czech)
Article on web page of Kunžak municipality: pdf document (202 kB, Czech)
Article on web page of Člunek municipality: pdf document (214 kB, Czech)

Aplikace inovativních postupů při eradikaci invazních raků v ČR

Published: Web pages of municipalities in the immediate vicinity of Zákolanský stream (Svrkyně, Zákolany), 2023
Authors: Jiří Vait, Jitka Svobodová, Pavel Kožený

Full text: pdf document (301 kB, Czech)
Article on web page of Svrkyně municipality: pdf document (246 kB, Czech)
Article on web page of Zákolany municipality: pdf document (407 kB, Czech)

Native versus invasive crayfish in the Czech Republic

Published: Number 4/2023 of the VTEI journal
Authors: Jitka Svobodová, Vojtěch Macháček, Pavel Kožený, Jiří Picek

Full text: pdf document (444 kB)
Article on VTEI journal pages: external link (online)


Another activity within the project solution focused on the area of education is the realization of lectures on the issue of crayfish protection. The following lectures have already been held.

Final seminars of the project

4.4.2024, České Budějovice and 11.4.2024, Prague (Czech Republic)

A key event at the end of the project solution was the meeting with the professional public and state administration workers at the project seminars organized in České Budějovice (April 4) and Prague (April 11). They were described at the seminars the experience of the researchers with the implemented measures and the results of accompanying studies are presented. A representative of the partner institution NINA from Norway also took part in the seminar in Prague. The presentation of the project results was supplemented by lectures by externs on related topics. Altogether, approximately one hundred participants gathered at the seminars. Attendance lists, program and presentations from both events are stored in the attachments.

Flyers "Our vs. invasive crayfish in the Czech Republic" were distributed at all events with public participation. As part of the work at the project sites, information signs were placed and renewed about the significance of the measures being implemented.

See: „Events“ tab

Lecture on invasive crayfish in Lednice

19.9.2023, Lednice (Czech Republic)

See: „Events“ tab

Participating in the ”Invasion meeting“

12.9.2023, Průhonice (Czech Republic)

See: „Events“ tab

Lecture at the camp at Kačležský pond

1.8.2023, Kačležský pond (Czech Republic)

See: „Events“ tab

Open day of TGM WRI

21.6.2023, Prague (Czech Republic)

See: „Events“ tab

Lecture at Eskola Secundaria Homeme Cristos in Aveiro

19 April 2023, Aveiro (Portugal)

See: „Events“ tab

Lecture at the municipal office in Zákolany

27 March 2023, Zákolany (Czech Republic)

See: „Events“ tab

Czech Anglers Union

26 January 2023, Prague (Czech Republic)

See: „Events“ tab

12th International Conference on Biological Invasions

12 September 2022 - 16 September 2022, Tartu (Estonia))

See: „Events“ tab

Limnological conference

30 June 2022 - 24 June 2022, Bratislava (Slovakia)

See: „Events“ tab

Thematic program on the occasion of World Fish Migration Day

17 May 2022 - 18 May 2022, Prague (Czech Republic)

See: „Events“ tab

Last update or revision: 12 June 2024


T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, p.r.i.
Podbabská 2582/30
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

Project leader

Mgr. Pavel Kožený
+420 220 197 265

Content expert

RNDr. Jitka Svobodová
+420 220 197 466

Technically provides

TGM WRI Hydroecological
Information System
© Copyright: T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, public research institution. Design: Jiří Picek. 2022. Photo: members of project team, unless stated otherwise. Visits of pages