Chemical monitoring and
biomonitoring of Horní Malše focused
on freshwater pearl mussel demands

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Final seminar of the project

25 April 2016

The project results were presented on the seminar in the premises of Pizzeria Gran Sasso, Topolova 830, Prachatice on 25 April 2016.

2. Interim report of the project has been prepared for the 30.9. 2015

30 September 2015

The systematic monitoring of water chemistry and its annual changes took place in June, July (2x), August and September. Given that this year was characterized by a severe drought and low water levels in rivers, we could not catch any torrential rain that could significantly affect monitored stretch. Instead, we performed a sampling of 21 sites to capture the effects of reservoirs/ponds in the tributaries. A probe for the continuous measuring (pH, conductivity, temperature and dissolved oxygen) was placed into the river from 17 August 2015 to 15 September 2015 to collect data in a half-hour interval.

Bioindication of the microhabitat: Cages with juvenile FPMs were installed into the streamline of the river on 24 May 2015. They were exposed throughout the summer season and on 30 August 2015 they were removed. All available FMPs from Malse River were used, and located into all 3 parts of the stretch. Concurrently, FPMs from Blanice River were used. After removing the cages, the surviving and growth rates were evaluated.

Detritus: We have obtained samples of detritus from 18 bioindication cages and we repeated detritus sampling in the sites where the bioindication was carried out. The samples were pre-processed and frozen. Chemical analyzes will be carried out during the winter months.

Publicity: We have started to cooperate with the Blattfisch Agency, which deals with FPM in Austria, to get a comprehensive overview on the pollution sources on both the sides of the border.

1. Interim report of the project has been prepared for the 8.6. 2015

8 August 2015

Screening of water quality in the watershed was performed at 35 sampling sites with regard to the availability of individual sampling sites in the field. Screening sampling was realized in January 2015 at the upper and middle part, the samples from the lower part were collected in February, because in January the sampled data were not relevant due to the winter flood.

Systematic monitoring of water chemistry and its annual changes is carried out in 22 sampling sites in the Malse River and its tributaries. We managed to capture 2 extreme situations until now - January snow melting and an increased flow during the rainy episode in May. We have deployed sensors for measuring temperature and exposure.

Bioindication of the microhabitat: three sites have been selected for freshwater pearlmussel (FPM) cages (upper, middle and lower part of the stream) and the cages were installed to the river in the beginning of May.

Publicity: please see the entry seminar available on this website, which also presents the winter part of the project

Project presentation

11 March 2015

Project presentation: the opening workshop on 18 March 2015 at 13.00 at the headquarters of Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Prague - Chodov

Last update: 22 June 2016


T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, p.r.i.
Podbabská 2582/30
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

Project leader

Ing. Věra Kladivová
+420 220 197 366

Technically provides

TGM WRI Hydroecological
Information System
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