Monitoring of NATURA 2000 sites as a tool
for effective management and conservation
of autochthonous crayfish

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During the project period following articles in professional journals were published focused on crayfish in the Czech Republic:

Article “Movement patterns of juvenile and adult noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) in a small stream, determined by radiotelemetry”

Published: Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., Volume 55, 2019
Authors: Tomáš Daněk, Jiří Musil, Petr Vlašánek, Jitka Svobodová, Tereza Barteková, David Štrunc, Miroslav Barankiewicz, Eduard Bouše, Eva Svobodová, Stein I. Johnsen, Oddgeir Andersen

Full text: external link
Full text: pdf document (519 kB)

Article “Telemetry of co-occurring noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) and stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium): diel changes in movement and local activity”

Published: Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 191/4 (2018), 339-352
Authors: Tomáš Daněk, Jiří Musil, Petr Vlašánek, Jitka Svobodová, Stein I. Johnsen, Tereza Barteková, David Štrunc, Miroslav Barankiewicz, Eduard Bouše, Oddgeir Andersen

Full text: pdf document (2.7 MB)

Article “Periodic droughts in streams: the next negative factor influencing crayfish populations”

Published: Number 2016/3 VTEI journal
Authors: Jitka Svobodová, David Fischer, Eva Svobodová, Pavel Vlach

Full text: pdf document (926 KB, Czech)
Published in VTEI 2016/3: pdf document (external link, 6.2 MB)

Article “Crayfish in the Zákolany Brook - past, present and future”

Published: Number 33 Bohemia Centralis proceedings - regional reviewed paper
Authors: David Fischer, Jitka Svobodová, Pavel Vlach

Full text: pdf document(623 kB, Czech)

Results focused on the crayfish protection

Great deal of the project activities focused on raising of public awareness in the crayfish protection. Within this activity a thematic calendar was produced as well as a leafleat aimed at protecting our native crayfish.

Leaflet “Crayfish in the Czech republic - what is allowed, what is not, what to do, what not to do”

The leaflet focuses on protection of our native crayfish populations. It summarizes the basic information on the crayfish in the Czech republic and highlights the basic rules for the native species protection.

Leaflet: pdf document (25 MB, Czech)

Calendar promoting the crayfish protection (2016)

One of the project activities focused on crayfish protection promoting was the creation and distribution of the thematic calendar. Calendar for the year 2016 was printed in an edition of 2,000 copies and the prints were distributed during the educational activities to the interested participants from the expert as well as the general public.

Calendar: pdf document (10 MB)

Other text results

The Norwegian partner prepared a brief information on crayfish monitoring methods used in Norway.

Text “Note on the crayfish monitoring methods used in Norway ”

Author: Stein Ivar Johnsen

Full document: pdf document(75 KB, English)


Posters prepared for presentation purposes contain general information, relevant results and description of methods and procedures used during the project.

Monitoring and protection of
crayfish population in the Czech republic

pdf document, 2.1 MB
Organic chemicals, metals and pharmaceuticals in sediments at localities with crayfish

pdf document, 1.2 MB
Behavioural interactions of crayfish, fish
and terrestical predators

pdf document, 585 kB
Telemetry of noble cryfish (Astacus astacus) and stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium)
pdf document, 432 kB

Information boards

An important educational outcome of the project was the realization of a total of 36 information boards. Their aim is to give information on our native crayfish species protection and on the risk of the dissemination of the invasive species particularly in relation to the occurence of the crayfish plague. The information boards were located at localities of European relevance (26 boards) and other places with crayfish occurence (10 boards).

Information boards at SAC
SAC Bezejmenný přítok Trojhorského potoka
Show photo gallery
SAC Bradava - Hořehledy

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SAC Bradava - Míšov

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SAC Bradava - Mítov

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SAC Bradava - Nezvěstice

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SAC Bradava - Nové Mitrovice

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SAC Huníkovský potok

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SAC Luční potok - Třebušín

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SAC Luční potok v Podkrkonoší - Rudník

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SAC Luční potok v Podkrkonoší - Hertvíkovice
Show photo gallery
SAC Luční potok v Podkrkonoší - Javorník

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SAC Mešenský potok

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SAC Padrťsko - cedule č.1

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SAC Padrťsko - cedule č.2

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SAC Padrťsko - cedule č.3

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SAC Přešínský potok

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SAC Radbuza - Nový Dvůr - Pila

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SAC Stroupínský potok - Hředle

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SAC Stroupínský potok - Kublovský potok

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SAC Stroupínský potok - Točník

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SAC Oupořský potok - Týřov

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SAC Oupořský potok - Rezervace

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SAC Zákolanský potok - Běloky

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SAC Zákolanský potok - Středokluky

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SAC Zákolanský potok - Podholí

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SAC Zlatý potok

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Information boards at other places

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Litavka - Bohutín

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Litavka - Bohutín, rybník

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Malše - Dolní Dvořiště

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Vltava - Boršov nad Vltavou

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Vltava - Český Krumlov (until 2021)

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Vltava - Zlatá Koruna

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Rybník Papež - Dobříš (new board, 2021)

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Hide photo gallery (Information board in SAC Padrťsko, cedule č.3)

Methodology of the application of snorkeling

Methodology of the application of snorkeling - a non-invasive method for determining of crayfish and fish population number.

Methodology of the application of snorkeling

Methodology: pdf document (200 kB, Czech)

Management measures

Management proposals for the localities with autochthonous crayfish population.

Management proposals

ERL Bradava

Management proposal: pdf document (1.4 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R002: pdf document (356 kB, Czech)

ERL Huníkovský potok

Management proposal: pdf document (1.2 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R025: pdf document (512 kB, Czech)

ERL Luční potok a EVL bezejmenný přítok Trojhorského potoka

Management proposal: pdf document (1.8 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R027: pdf document (428 kB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R028: pdf document (379 kB, Czech)

ERL Luční potok v Podkrkonoší

Management proposal: pdf document (1.1 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R032: pdf document (504 kB, Czech)

ERL Mešenský potok

Management proposal: pdf document (1.1 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R035: pdf document (503 kB, Czech)

ERL Oupořský potok

Management proposal: pdf document (1.3 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R016: pdf document (608 kB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R017: pdf document (695 kB, Czech)

ERL Padrťsko

Management proposal: pdf document (1.1 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R038: pdf document (427 kB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R086: pdf document (444 kB, Czech)

ERL Přešínský potok

Management proposal: pdf document (1.4 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R041: pdf document (424 kB, Czech)

ERL Radbuza

Management proposal: pdf document (1.4 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R042: pdf document (606 kB, Czech)

ERL Stroupímský potok

Management proposal: pdf document (1.4 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R013: pdf document (786 kB, Czech)

ERL Zákolanský potok

Management proposal: pdf document (1.8 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R019: pdf document (431 kB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R023: pdf document (500 kB, Czech)

ERL Zlatý potok

Management proposal: pdf document (1.0 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R045: pdf document (249 kB, Czech)

Červený potok

Management proposal: pdf document (1.1 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R056: pdf document (421 kB, Czech)


Management proposal: pdf document (1.1 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R047: pdf document (508 kB, Czech)


Management proposal (in czech): pdf document (1.1 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R054: pdf document (569 kB, Czech)

Ohrazenický potok

Management proposal: pdf document (1.2 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R053: pdf document (722 kB, Czech)


Management proposal: pdf document (1.1 MB, Czech)
Annex - protocol R066: pdf document (484 kB, Czech)

Common Annex

Annex 1: Concentration of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in water - charts: pdf document (1.6 MB)
Annex 2: Concentration of pharmaceuticals and organic substances in sediments - charts: pdf document (1.2 MB)
Annex 3: Concentration of metals, pharmaceuticals and pesticides in the tissues of crayfish - charts: pdf document (1.9 MB)

Monitoring results - summary

During the project a large amount of data was assembled and assessed, including the data on pharmaceuticals and pesticides content in water, the data on presence of the substances in sediments and data on presence and accumulation of organic substances and metals in crayfish bodies. For relevant monitoring sites/localities the charts from the following overview are also available under the “data” tab together with further data and context information.

Graphs of selected indicators

Show graphs
Pharmaceuticals in water
Show graphs
Pharmaceuticals and pesticides in water
Show graphs
Metals in biota

Show graphs
Organic substances and pharmaceuticals in biota

Show graphs

Results of monitoring - localities, data

Besides above mentioned results a large amount of data was measured, processed and assessed on the total of 110 localities. On that localities infrmation was obtained on observed species and number of crayfish and fish, presence of pollutants in water, sediment and crayfish tissues, information on composition of macrozoobenthos, on hydromorfology etc. Results of the assessement were published in an interactive map with related data (tabular, photos, charts) and could be found together with other contextual information under the “data” tab.

Main published data are free, to get into the locked part you should click on the lock icon in the upper right corner of the map window and write the password. To get the password please contact Jitka Svobodova (

Last update: 1 February 2022


T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, p.r.i.
Podbabská 2582/30
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

Project leader

RNDr. Jitka Svobodová

Publicity manager

Ing. Jiří Picek

Project manager

Mgr. Libuše Opatřilová

Financial manager

Karel Havlák

Technically provides

TGM WRI Hydroecological
Information System
© Copyright: T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, public research institution. Design: Jiří Picek. 2015-2019. Visits of pages